Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The Perfect Christmas Tree!!

 Lets go find the perfect Christmas Tree!!!! 
Ya, this is the perfect tree.
 No......... how about this one.
This is what the tree looks like :).
Thanks for reading "The Perfect Christmas Tree"!! Bye!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Making Applesauce

1. Get a lot of apples.
2.  Peel the apples with a apple peeler, corer, slicer. 
 3.Then cut the apples in half and get all the bad parts off.

 4.  Put the apples in a big pot and squeeze lime or lemon in the pot and add an inch of water.
 5.Cook apples till soft and stir frequently. Blend in a food processor to get out lumps. 
6.  Put hot applesauce in sterilized jars. 
7. Hot water bath for 25 minutes. 
8. Wait till you hear the popping sound, but don't touch till the next day.
9. And that is all!!
10. Beautiful!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Hiking Around Smith Rock

We went hiking with my family at Smith Rock!!
It was super hard.  But it was worth it!
We had to hike 1 mile to get to monkey face rock.
That was easy because the ground was flat,
but the hard part comes next :)
These are pictures of monkey face rock!
That's daddy on a rock, just in case you were wondering.
Zoie, Me and Adalie found a rock that we could climb into.
There's all of us in it.
Isn't it a beautiful view?!! 
Half way there!!
This is us in a tree at the half way point.
On a rock, at the top with our dad!!
One more mile to go.


Friday, September 27, 2013

The Triplet Bakery

Hi World!  Today we are going to bake by ourselves!!  
Do you see the paper on our backs?  It says, "Chef  1, Chef 2, and Chef 3".  We are the three baking sisters!

Do we know how to do shoulders back, chest out, or do we not?
Beautiful, just beautiful!

This afternoon we made brownies.  Yum!! 

Don't eat it yet.
 This is the food we prepared for our family.

Our special today, French Dips!!!
And that is all for today, folks.

The End!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Fun with Family

Aaahhhh!!  Adalie's in the bubble!!!!

 Zoie's in one too!!
 and daddy!!
 Any who, I was just exaggerating.
So we made  big bubble wands as you can see. 
The size of the bubbles were big.  They were like 10ft by 10ft.

Catch the bubble Kylia. 



we are moving on tooo....

We are about to go
on a bounce house,
A dinosaur bounce house!!! :) 

 Zoie climbs the mountain,
 and Adalie,
 and Kylia.
 Go Zoie go!!
Hey Grandpa! Hey Zoie!
Zoie gets her face painted.
 We watched the sky-divers!

Cute sisters!

It's a race. It looks like Zoie won!!

 Thank you Grandma & Grandpa
 for the necklaces :)
Cuddling with Grandma!
Cuddling with Daddy!
 Cuddling with Grandpa!
 Cozy, cozy.
Getting ready for the fireworks  :)
Now the Fireworks!!!!
That's our family adventure :)